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This site is in BETA: We're just getting started.
We'd love to get your feedback.

Thanks for applying. We're processing your application for 123 Main St.

Listing Name:listing.Building_Name,

Here's your lottery number


Please write down your lottery number and keep it in a safe place. We have also emailed this number to you if you provided an email address.

What to expect next

The lottery will be held on July 21st. You do not need to attend the housing lottery. Results will be posted on the listing. Please refer to the listing for the lottery results date.

Applicants will be contacted by the leasing agent in lottery rank order until vacancies are filled. Should your application be chosen, be prepared to fill out a more detailed application and provide required supporting documents.

Do not submit another application

You cannot make changes to the information on this application. If you submit another application, both will be removed from the lottery. Contact the leasing agent if you have any questions.

Kevin, Cooley
San Francisco Commuunity Land Trust
(415 399-0943

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Creating an account will save your information, and allow you to check the status of this application at any time.