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            <p class="form-note margin-bottom ">Must be at least 8 characters and include 1 numeric character.</p>

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      <p class="c-iron ">The San Francisco Housing Portal is a project of the <br> <a href="# " class="a-white ">Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development</a></p>

      <p class="t-small c-iron margin-top ">in partnership with <br>
         <a href="# " class="a-white ">San Francisco Department of Technology</a><br>
         <a href="# " class="a-white ">Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation</a>

      <p class="t-small c-iron margin-top--2x ">For listing and application questions, please contact the Leasing Agent displayed on the listing.<br> For general program inquiries, you may call MOHCD at 415-701-5560.</p>

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{{> @translate-bar}}
{{> @version-bar }}
{{> @top-bar--account }}

<div class="dash-container tall">
  <section class="row collapse">
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      <div class="back-link-container small-only-text-center">
        <a href="#" class="back-link">{{> @icons-base icon="left" size="small" fill="primary"}} Continue with Application</a>
      <form class="dash-card">
        <header class="dash-header">
          <span class="header-badge">
            {{> @icons-base icon="profile" }}
          <h1 class="dash-title"">Create an Account</h1>
          <p class="dash-summary">You'll use this information to log in to your account, so make sure you can remember it.</p>

        {{> @alert-box text="Please re-enter your email address to confirm." status="primary" classes="no-icon"}}

        <div class="dash-card-inner inset border-bottom">
          <div class="form-group padding-bottom--2x">
            <h2 class="form-label caps">Your Name {{> @icons-base icon="lock" fill="primary"}}</h2>
            {{> @text-input--base placeholder="First Name" label="Email address" type="text" readonly="readonly"}}
            {{> @text-input--base placeholder="Middle Name (optional)" label="Middle Name (optional)" type="text" readonly="readonly"}}
            {{> @text-input--base placeholder="Last Name" label="Last Name" type="text" readonly="readonly"}}

          <div class="form-group">
            <h2 class="form-label caps">Your Date of Birth {{> @icons-base icon="lock" fill="primary"}}</h2>
            {{> @input-dob readonly="readonly"}}

        <div class="dash-card-inner inset border-bottom">
          <div class="form-group">
            <h3 class="form-label caps">Email Address {{> @icons-base icon="lock" fill="primary"}}</h3>
            <p class="form-note margin-bottom">We'll send you an email to verify this address is correct.</p>
            {{> @text-input--base placeholder="example@web.com" label="Email address" type="email" readonly="readonly"}}
            {{> @text-input placeholder="example@web.com" label="Re-enter email address" type="email" classes="label-secondary"}}
        <div class="dash-card-inner inset border-bottom">
          <div class="form-group">
            <h3 class="form-label caps">Password</h3>
            <p class="form-note margin-bottom">Must be at least 8 characters and include 1 numeric character.</p>

            {{> @text-input--base placeholder="Must be 8 characters" label="password"}}
            {{> @text-input placeholder="Must be 8 characters" label="Re-enter your password to confirm" classes="label-secondary"}}

          <div class="form-group">
            <p class="t-small c-steel text-center padding-top">{{> @button text="Create Account" classes="primary no-margin" }}</p>

        <footer class="dash-header">
          <h2 class="dash-title t-gamma">Already have an account?</h2>
          <p class="t-small c-steel">{{> @button text="Sign In" classes="no-margin" }}</p>

{{> @footer}}
  "page-class": "center-body",
  "label": "Create an Account"

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